📣招租启事:三层楼店屋招租 / To Let : 3-storey shoplots

雪兰莪暨吉隆坡福建会馆(雪隆福建会馆)位于市中心的两间店屋(各阔5.790 米 x 长37.285 米);店屋建筑总面积为944平方米(一楼428平方米;二楼258 平方米;三楼258平方米) 出租,租金相议。

Two units of 3-storey shoplot of individual width 5.790 m and depth 37.285 m (with respective ground, first and second floor areas of 428, 258 and 258 square metres) are available for rental.

有意者可联系会馆秘书处Interested party/parties please contact:
联络人Contact Person:Ms. Shim / Ms. Chong
电话Tel:+60-3-2078 3530 / 3531
手机Mobile Phone:+60-17-268 5814
地址Address:41C,Jalan Hang Lekiu,50100 Kuala Lumpur.

👇雪隆福建会馆 Facebook link:


店屋正门/front door
店屋后门/back door
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