

吉隆坡威镇宫观音寺于二月十九日星期二(18-3-2025)庆祝观世音菩萨誕辰 ,


1)莲花灯供善众点灯祈福,每盏RM10、 RM20、 RM80、RM200。

2)花篮供奉观音菩萨,每份 RM150



Pray For Peace & Harmony Guanyin Auspicious Light

KL Wei Zhen Gong Guan Yin Temple invites all devotees to participate in the Guanyin Festival’s offering on 18-3-2025 (Tuesday).

1)Lotus Candle are offered for charitable people to light up and pray for blessings, RM10, RM20, RM80, RM200 each

2) Flower baskets dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva, RM150 joint name serving.

3) Fruit baskets dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva, RM150 joint name serving.

Kindly make your remittance online and provide the bank slip with your name to us via WhatsApp.


Wei Zhen Gong Guanyin Temple

Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association

大众银行Public Bank A/C No. 3170 944 501

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